Welcome to

What’s Next …


Built for the Future

This podcast will provide a platform to share inspiring stories, ideas, and projects from change-makers around the world who are reimagining the future through positive change.

Coming out of an era so heavily dominated by the old paradigm ways of doing things, we’re now presented with the opportunity of being at the forefront of change as it is happening.

The times are changing. This calls for the need for necessary ideas to re-imagine a better future.


“The opportunity is clear—a whole new world is waiting to be re-designed and re-imagined. This prototype is just the beginning, paving the way for future series that explore the future of our industries and systems. The goal is to shift how people perceive change, share impactful stories, and inspire others about the possibilities of tomorrow!”

Want to share your
story of change?

Whatever it is, it can make all the difference.